Cisco Live Berlin #CLEUR and TechField Day Extra


I have the pleasure to attend to the Cisco Live event wich is this year in my beloved hometwon Berlin. Even more exciting is that on the Cisco Live I will be part of the Tech Field Day Extra event by GestaltIT. With me together there will be joining other delgates from a wide range of different backrounds the Tech Field Day Extra at Cisco Live. Lokking forward to meet up with:

Amy Arnold  @AmyEngineerTFD-Extra-Cisco-Live-300

David Varnum  @Overlaid

Francesco Bonetti  @FBonez

James Green  @JDGreen

John Harrington  @NetworkSherpa

Max Mortillaro  @DarkkAvenger

Peter Paul Engelen  @PPJM_Engelen

This time I will not be the one with a jet-lag. If you would like to meet up at Cisco Live in Berlin drop me a massage , glad to talk about all of the new tech goodness that we will see during the event. As a born Berliner I am happy to have this great event directly in my backyard.

See you in Berlin

About Dominik

Network problem solver
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