Network Field Day 11 Aftermath

NFD-Logo-400x398I have attended to Networking Field Day 11 in San Jose California wich is organized by GestaltIT.
It was a buisy week with a lot of state of the art tech. I had the pleasure to see from a wide range of vendors their products and visions. Some vendors had their first preseation at NFD and other are regular contributer. In my view the Network Field Day event is a win win situation for everybody. The vendors can present their newest innovations to the right audience insteat of an oldschool broadcast approach of merketing.
This is the introducing to a series of blog posts about the presnations that I have seen at NFD11.
I will give you fo all preenations a quick overview and my opinion as well. If that caught your interest check out the TechFiled Youtube Channel
and watch the complete presnation.

Network Field Day 11 Videos

About Dominik

Network problem solver
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