
by Dominik Pickhardt 01/01/2015

I am a senior network engineer at a government organization located in Berlin. I have been involved in technology since I got my first C64 computer. Worked a long time for a system integrator with a wide range of customers which included nearly everything from healthcare, government, eduction, industrial up to finance. Seen and build up many different networks in this time. In the past 5 years I have been working for a large govenment IT Service provider. I’ve done nearly everything in the networking space from duct taping faulty cables to large datacenter core deployments. I started this blog with the idea in mind of sharing the interesting stuff I stumble upon.


The views and opinions stated on my blog are mine personally. They do not represent any prior, current or future employer. The advice and statements that I make are provided as-is with no warranty or guarantee of any kind.

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