How to Upgrade an Avaya VSP4000

Here is a short overview how to upgrade a VSP4000. The procedure is the same for the VSP8000.


First you have to Uplooad the needed files, wich I do here via USB:

copy /usb/VSP4K. /intflash/VSP4K.
copy /usb/VSP4K. /intflash/VSP4K.

When you have the needed files in this example SW Version on your Device you can start to add the software.

software add VSP4K.

For encryption like ssh and snmpv3 you also need the modules file:

software add-modules VSP4K.

When the sowftware files are completly added you can activate the software, after this is completed your VSP will reboot.
After the reboot the VSP will come up with the new SW version. To make sure that everything is ok we use a show command.

sho software
software releases in /intflash/release/
================================================================================ (Backup Release) (Primary Release)

Auto Commit : enabled
Commit Timeout : 10 minutes

The default settings make a auto commit of the sofware after 10 minutes. You can also do that manually with the command:

software commit


About Dominik

Network problem solver
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8 Responses to How to Upgrade an Avaya VSP4000

  1. Rolf says:

    Hi Dominik,
    cool thing to hear that there are some people from germany playing around with the former Nortel, now Avaya networking gear.
    I was stuck with some hard time doing multicast routing and when I heard about SPB last year, I thought I’ll give it a try, so now my network has 9 VSP4850’s.
    The update to 4.1 will be the first for me, so hopefully it’s as easy as you described.
    The only thing about the vsp4k that I don’t like is that there are only 2 10g ports, there should be 4 or so, then the meshing would be cooler.
    cheers, Rolf

    • Dominik says:

      Hi Rolf,
      I just did the 4.1 Update on a VSP8k and it turns out that it is not working as discribed in the release notes.
      They changed the version number that is needed to install the new software. On the VSP8k it is now needed to use these commands:
      software add VSP8200.
      software add-modules VSP8200. VSP8200.
      software activate VSP8200.

      Good Luck with the update.

  2. Denver says:

    Hi. If i want to download the software from a ftp client? How to…? thanks

  3. Dominik says:

    The syntax for the copy command looks like this:
    Source filename, a.b.c.d: | /intflash/
    This would copy the file via TFTP to the VSP.

    The other option is to enable the FTP Server on the VSP:
    boot config flags ftpd
    When you have enbladed the FTP server you can send the image via ftp put to the switch.


  4. Derrek Chua says:

    Hi Dominik,

    I need to upgrade 2 Avaya VSP8200 from 4.1 firmware to

    In this case, may I know that I am able upgrade directly from 4.1 to without go through 4.2/4.2.1/5.1 ?

    Appreciate your reply on this case.

    Thank you.

    • Dominik says:

      You can directly upgrade. If there would be intermediate steps you will find a detailed instruction in the release notes. The VOSS image is Linux based and you can in most cases directly update.

  5. Ahmad says:

    Hi Dominik,

    how to performed firmware upgrade via USB flash during booting process?

  6. Ricardo Gomez says:

    Hi, I have one switch layer 3 Avaya model 4450 and I want to connect it to another Switch Avaya layer 2 model 3350. I am using trunking protocol 802.1q with VLANs, so far I can´t ping from one another, I sent a message Inaccesible Host Response.
    Can you help me, where can I find some kind of manual online than teach me how to configure these equipments.

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